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BachelorFood Quality and Innovations

Tuition fee €3,500 per year
Application fee €160 one-time

Non refundable

Deposit €500 one-time
Dormitory fee €127 per month

It requires to pay additional 100 EUR for Dormitory deposit.

More information



Academic profile

The aim of the academic Bachelor study program is to prepare a competitive and knowledgeable specialist in food production, quality and innovation, who is able to organize quality management and development of innovations in food companies, to carry out creative research and to form the basis for further studies in higher education.

During the interdisciplinary study programme, students acquire knowledge of food technology, quality and new product development from idea till market. The main focus in the food technology component of the programme is on science – chemistry, physic, mathematic, food product and process technology, quality and innovation. The programme’s business component focuses on innovation, entrepreneurship and marketing management.

Each study year Students strengthen the knowledge acquired during studies and gain practical skills on training courses 4.5 ECTS in the food production company.

We offer support in this area with scholarship programmes Erasmus+ for students exchange mobility activities.

The study programme is completed with the elaboration and defence of the Bachelor thesis.

Career opportunities

Graduates work in food companies – Quality department, New product developed department (R&D) and laboratories; Scientific research institutions, Public administration and control services.

Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024
Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024