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BachelorSustainable Forestry

Tuition fee €3,000 per year
Application fee €160 one-time

Non refundable

Deposit €500 one-time
Dormitory fee €127 per month

It requires to pay additional 100 EUR for Dormitory deposit.

More information



Academic profile

In this programme you will prepare to work with a diversity of landowners, agencies, wildlife, and a wide range of forest industries.

You will learn:

  • fundamental forestry concepts such as ecology, silviculture, and forest measurements;
  • how studies serve as an effective background for managing forests and a wide range of natural resources;
  • forest policy and ways to address complex socioeconomic issues involved in practicing forestry;
  • how to enhance the health and integrity of our forests.

Students acquire knowledge of economic, ecological and social aspects of the forest, study the management and organization of forestry activities, learn about the wood market, learn how to care for the forest to maximize the yield and preserve biodiversity.

Students with bachelor’s degree:

  • competently solve problems of science and practice in the field;
  • are familiar with the development trends of the sector and the problems of the related branches of science.

Career opportunities

After the graduation you can work as a professional and afterwards in leading positions in public or municipal institutions, advisory services, state forest companies, municipal or private companies, forest inventory companies, forest resource use, control and management organizations.

Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024
Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024