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Professional BachelorGeoinformatic and Remote Sensing

Tuition fee €3,000 per year
Application fee €160 one-time

Non refundable

Deposit €500 one-time
Dormitory fee €127 per month

It requires to pay additional 100 EUR for Dormitory deposit.

More information



Academic Profile

Professional Bachelor’s Study Programme “Geoinformatic and Remote Sensing” is designed to obtain knowledge and skills of information technology tools, application of remote sensing technologies, and development of geospatial solutions in:
• agriculture,
• forestry,
• transport logistics,
• land spatial administration
• crisis management spatial organization.

Students get a professional, practice-oriented education that gives them the opportunity to enter the labor market, as well as to carry out scientific research work, which would allow graduates to start practical activities in geoinformatics and remote sensing after completing the study program in the field of agriculture, forestry, transport logistics, land spatial administration, and crisis management spatial organization

Career opportunities

Graduates are specialists that develop geospatial solutions in various national economy sectors, like:
• agriculture,
• forestry,
• transport logistics,
• land spatial administration
• crisis management spatial organization.
You’ll find graduates in government, big companies, startups, and small and mid-sized enterprises.

Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024
Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024